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Smart.Industry business mission in Brno, Czech Republic

On October 10-13, the Smart.Industry business mission to the city of Brno, Czech Republic was successfully completed. This is an ideal arena for expanding your business network. The exhibition brought together representatives of various industries in one place, creating an opportunity for new contacts and partnerships.

The Maitek company and TM "Thermiya" PJSC Vinnytsia Plant "Mayak", participants of the Vinnytsia Automation and Instrument Making Cluster, which were part of the UCA delegation, established new contacts and found potential technology suppliers at the MSV exhibition, as well as interesting proposals in the field of innovative projects.


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The website is produced in order of Vinnytsia Automation and Instrument Making Cluster within the programme “EU4Business: SME Competitiveness and Internationalisation”, co-financed by the European Union and German Government and is implemented by the German federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
Website content is the sole responsibility of Vinnytsia Automation and Instrument Making Cluster and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, German Government, GIZ.

© 2022 AIM Cluster

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