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The main challenges for the cluster movement in Ukraine: expert opinions

A joint interview with Yuriy Klymenko, Director of Vinnytsia Automation and Instrument Making Cluster, and Andriy Karpenko, Director of Zaporizhzhia IAM Cluster, on the main challenges faced by cluster movement participants today. The leaders highlighted the key issues that require attention: 🔹 Preservation of human capital and adaptation to changes in the labor market 🔹 Forced migration of businesses from Zaporizhzhia region to ensure cooperation with international partners 🔹 The need for cooperation to create innovative products that can compete in European markets 🔹 Reformatting state support, which is now focused on financing associations rather than individual entrepreneurs In addition, cluster leaders outlined the priority areas of their clusters for 2025 👉 Watch the full interview here:

A joint interview with Yuriy Klymenko, Director of Vinnytsia Automation and Instrument Making Cluster, and Andriy Karpenko, Director of Zaporizhzhia IAM Cluster


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The website is produced in order of Vinnytsia Automation and Instrument Making Cluster within the programme “EU4Business: SME Competitiveness and Internationalisation”, co-financed by the European Union and German Government and is implemented by the German federal company Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.
Website content is the sole responsibility of Vinnytsia Automation and Instrument Making Cluster and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, German Government, GIZ.

© 2022 AIM Cluster

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